Recent HSRC announcements

Where to find HSRC at TRB 2025
(December 2024) We’re making it easy for you to maximize your transportation safety research activities at the 104th TRB Annual Meeting, January 5-9, 2025. 

HSRC visits IIHS headquarters for safety demos, research conversations
(November 2024) HSRC researchers and staff members took a field trip to Ruckersville, Virginia, on November 21, 2024, to visit the IIHS-HLDI Vehicle Research Center. 

Sarah O’Brien recognized as APBP’s Researcher of the Year
(August 2024) Sarah O’Brien, Senior Research Associate at HSRC and member of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center team, was named Researcher of the Year at the 2024 Association of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Professionals Annual Conference.

HSRC researchers mentor students in the N.C. A&T Summer Transportation Institute
(July 2024) HSRC researchers representing a variety of safety disciplines traveled to the campus of N.C. A&T in July 2024 to mentor high school students participating in the Summer High School Transportation Institute.

HSRC Co-Director Dr. Laura Sandt testifies about road safety crisis before U.S. Senate Commerce Subcommittee
(May 21, 2024) HSRC Co-Director Dr. Laura Sandt testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, Maritime, Freight, and Ports.

Bevan Kirley and Kristel Robison receive the Safe Kids NC Director’s Award
(May 2024) In May 2024, HSRC’s own Bevan Kirley and Kristel Robison received the Safe Kids NC Director’s Award for “unwavering commitment, dedication, and exceptional contribution to Keeping Children Safe in North Carolina.”

HSRC co-hosts Safe Mobility Conference in Chapel Hill
(March 2024) HSRC co-hosted the 2024 Safe Mobility Conference with the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

Palcher-Silliman receives 2023 CUTC Award for Administrative Leadership
(January 6, 2024) Jennifer Palcher-Silliman, HSRC’s Strategic Communications and Education Manager, was honored with the 2023 Council of University Transportation Centers Award for Administrative Leadership.

Registration is now open for the 2024 Safe Mobility Conference!
(December 14, 2023) HSRC and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2024 Safe Mobility Conference.

New report provides guidance on communicating the benefits of the Safe System approach
(November 2023) HSRC researcher Seth LaJeunesse teamed up with multiple partners on a new guidance for framing Safe System interventions and policies with the public.

Sandt and Mozingo Named Co-Directors of UNC Highway Safety Research Center
(November 8, 2023) Co-directors bring 33 years of combined HSRC expertise to joint leadership structure.

HSRC featured student research presentations focusing on climate impacts on transportation for UNC’s University Research Week
(October 26, 2023) — HSRC hosted a student-led research presentation on October 26, 2023. The session, “Critical climate impacts on transportation: NC student researchers explore climate change, transportation resiliency and safety,” featured three student researchers.

Mark your calendars for the 2024 Safe Mobility Conference
(September 20, 2023) HSRC and the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety are pleased to announce the inaugural Safe Mobility Conference, to be held March 26-27, 2024.

2023 Highway Safety Scholarship Awarded to NC State Student Focused on Resiliency of Coastal Transportation Systems in North Carolina
(August 31, 2023) — The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center is pleased to name Thomas Thelen as the recipient of the 2023 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship.

NC Graduate Students Interested in Transportation: Apply Now for $1,500 HSRC Scholarship
(March 16, 2023) — The UNC Highway Safety Research Center is now accepting applications from graduate students at any of the University of North Carolina system campuses for a $1,500 scholarship.

HSRC selected to lead PBIC
(October 3, 2022) — Learn more about this five-year cooperative agreement to develop “resources, training, and technical assistance for people working across the country to improve roadway conditions and choices for all.”

UNC Wilmington student receives 2022 Highway Safety Scholarship
(September 1, 2022) — The UNC Highway Safety Research Center is pleased to announce Abigail Lorenzo is the recipient of the 2022 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship. 

Two HSRC Scholarships for NC Students – Apply Now
(March 28, 2022) — The UNC Highway Safety Research Center is now accepting applications for two scholarships: the $5,000 HSRC Diversity Scholarship for undergraduate students and the $1,500 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship for graduate students.

National Center for Rural Road Safety Announces New Team and Structure
(February 28, 2022) — HSRC is part of the National Center for Rural Road Safety, a leading resource to help transportation agencies reduce deaths on their roads.

2021 HSRC Scholarship Awarded to Appalachian State University Student Pursuing Master’s in Planning
(February 23, 2022) — HSRC is pleased to announce Thanh Schado is the recipient of the 2021 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship. Schado is pursuing a master’s degree in planning at Appalachian State University (ASU).

HSRC to participate in UNC’s University Research Week 2021
(October 29, 2021) — HSRC is proud to participate in UNC’s University Research Week, November 8-12, 2021. As part of the 2021 celebration, HSRC will present the webinar “Public Health, Economic Growth, Leisure: How transportation research impacts all our lives, every day” on Thursday, November 11.

NC Deer-related Crashes Increase in the Fall
(October 18, 2021) —
North Carolina motor vehicle crashes involving deer typically peak during the fall months, and the state’s most recent crash data indicate that trend continued in 2020. 

Calling NC Students: Two HSRC Scholarships Now Open
(April 20, 2021) — HSRC is now accepting applications for two scholarships: the $5,000 HSRC Diversity Scholarship for undergraduate students and the $1,000 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship for graduate students.

Data Brief: HSRC Data Show Deer-Related Crashes Rose by 14 percent in 2019
(Fall 2020) — North Carolina motor vehicle crashes involving deer typically peak during the fall months, and that trend continued in 2019, according to crash data compiled by HSRC.

2020 HSRC scholarship awarded to UNC Pembroke student pursuing public administration degree
(August 18, 2020) — The UNC Highway Safety Research Center is pleased to announce Camryn Sierra Locklear as the recipient of the 2020 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship.

COVID-19 research examines mobility and health impacts across NC
(July 27, 2020) — The NC COVID-19 Mobility and Health Impacts Study is underway to examine how the pandemic is impacting how people travel in North Carolina, and how might those changes interplay with health policies.

UNC-led team selected to develop national guidance for e-scooter safety
(June 30, 2020) — The Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP) has funded a $490K study to examine emerging safety issues related to electric scooters (or e-scooters).

Clamann named to new academic advisory council focused on automated vehicle education, discussions, policies
(April 28, 2020) Dr. Michael Clamann has been named to Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE)’s newly formed Academic Advisory Council, a panel of leading academicians who will help PAVE achieve its mission of “promoting fact-based public discussion about automated vehicles.”

UNC Highway Safety Research Center now accepting applications for $1,000 scholarship
(April 22, 2020) The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC) is accepting applications for the 2020 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship.

HSRC to lead NCDOT Center of Excellence in Advanced Transportation Technology, focus on safety and policy
(December 17, 2019) The UNC Highway Safety Research Center has been selected to lead the new NC Transportation Center of Excellence in Advanced Technology Safety and Policy, a North Carolina Department of Transportation research grant for approximately $999,000 over three years.

HSRC Researcher Named 2019 Science Policy Fellow for Major Human Factors Association
(October 29, 2019) Michael Clamann, Ph.D., Senior Human Factors Engineer, has been selected as a 2019 Science Policy Fellow for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES).

NC Deer-related Crashes Increase in the Fall
(October 22, 2019) North Carolina motor vehicle crashes involving deer typically peak during the fall months, and the state’s most recent crash data indicate that trend continued in 2018.

2019 HSRC Scholarship Awarded to East Carolina University Student Pursuing Occupational Therapy Degree
(September 6, 2019) The UNC Highway Safety Research Center is pleased to award the 2019 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship to Juliette Leonardo. Leonardo is pursuing a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy at East Carolina University’s College of Allied Health Sciences.

New to the Road Safety Field? Apply Now for HSRC’s Free Course on Road Safety Fundamentals
(August 28, 2019) Join transportation professionals from across the country for an in-depth study of the fundamentals of road safety. Presented by the Road Safety Academy of the UNC Highway Safety Research Center, Road Safety 101 is a free online course designed for individuals new to transportation-related fields.

HSRC researchers earn two TRB awards for one paper, 2019 Waller Award and Outstanding Paper Award
(August 27, 2019) Four UNC Highway Safety Research Center researchers earned two Transportation Research Board honors for one paper, the prestigious 2019 Patricia F. Waller Award and the 2019 Outstanding Paper Award from the Standing Committee on Pedestrians (ANF10). 

UNC Highway Safety Research Center now accepting applications for $1,000 scholarship
(Febuary 25, 2019) The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center announced today that it is accepting applications for the 2019 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship.

Human factors psychologist to be this year’s Waller Lecture keynote speaker
(January 24, 2019) Emanuel Robinson, Ph.D., a senior research scientist in the Transportation and Safety Research Group at Westat in Rockville, MD, will be this year’s keynote speaker for the Patricia F. Waller Lecture.

NC Deer-related Crashes Increase in the Fall
(November 8, 2018)  Motor vehicle crashes involving deer typically peak during the fall months in North Carolina, and the state’s most recent crash data indicate that trend continued in 2017.

Dr. Randa Radwan Named Director of UNC Highway Safety Research Center
(October 30, 2018)  The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is pleased to announce that Randa Radwan, Ph.D., has been named the new director of the Highway Safety Research Center.

2018 HSRC Scholarship Awarded to UNC Chapel Hill Student Pursuing Joint Public Health and City and Regional Planning Degree
(July 9, 2018) — The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Highway Safety Research Center announced today the recipient of the 2018 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship as Kaitlin Heatwole.

UNC Highway Safety Research Center seeking applications for 2018 scholarship
(January 31, 2018) — The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center announced today that it is accepting applications for the 2018 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship.

Apply Now for HSRC’s Free Course on Road Safety Fundamentals
(January  3, 2018) —
Join transportation professionals from across the country for an in-depth study of the fundamentals of road safety.

Three HSRC Researchers Awarded Top NC Civilian Honors
(December  21, 2017) —
The Governor of North Carolina awarded three of the state’s highest civilian honors to UNC Highway Safety Research Center researchers: Bill Hall and Rob Foss and HSRC Director David Harkey.

UNC Begins Search for HSRC Director
(Dec. 11, 2017) – The University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill is seeking applications and nominations for the position of Director of the UNC Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC).

Deer-related Crashes in NC Increase in the Fall
(November 1, 2017) —
Motor vehicle crashes involving deer typically peak during the fall months in North Carolina, and the state’s most recent crash data indicate that trend continued in 2016.

Course on Road Safety Fundamentals – Now Accepting Applications
(August 21, 2017) —
Join transportation professionals from across the country for an in-depth study of the fundamentals of road safety.

Two UNC Chapel Hill Public Administration Students Receive 2017 HSRC Scholarship
(July 19, 2017) —
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Highway Safety Research Center announced today two recipients of the 2017 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship, Jonathan Holt and Detective Justin Stirewalt.

Spring Course on Road Safety Fundamentals – Now Accepting Applications
(March 9, 2017) —
Join transportation professionals from across the country for an in-depth study of the fundamentals of road safety.

UNC Highway Safety Research Center seeking applications for 2017 scholarship
(Jan. 31, 2017) — The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center announced today that it is accepting applications for the 2017 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship.

Apply Now – Introductory Course on Road Safety Fundamentals
(Jan. 9, 2017) —
Join transportation professionals from across the country for an in-depth study of the fundamentals of road safety.

Carolina to Lead One of Five National Transportation Centers, Focus on Road Safety
Up to $15 million in funding for new center that will build upon successes in reducing vehicular fatalities and injuries (Dec. 5, 2016) —
UNC-Chapel Hill has been selected to run a National University Transportation Center funded by the US Department of Transportation.

Deer-related Crashes in NC Increase in the Fall
Advice for drivers: Buckle up, slow down and look out for deer (Oct. 25, 2016) — Motor vehicle crashes involving deer typically peak during the fall months in North Carolina, and the state’s most recent crash data indicate that trend continued in 2015.

UNC Highway Safety Research Center Awarded Five-Year $3.1M Contract for Federal Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Clearinghouse (Oct. 3, 2016) ─ UNC-Chapel Hill will continue its work as a national leader in pedestrian and bicyclist safety. HSRC has been selected to administer the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC).

North Carolina State University student receives 2016 HSRC scholarship (Aug. 15, 2016) ─ The winner of the 2016 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship is Yulin Deng.

HSRC Seeking Applications for $1,000 Scholarship (Feb. 3, 2016) —The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC) announced today it is accepting applications for the 2016 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship.

Fall Months are Most Dangerous for Deer-related Crashes in NC (Oct. 19, 2015) — Motor vehicle crashes involving deer historically peak during the fall months in North Carolina, and the state’s most recent crash data shows no exception to that rule.

North Carolina State University Student Awarded HSRC Scholarship (Sept. 16, 2015) — The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC) announced today the winner of the 2015 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship — Hallie Clark.

HSRC Releases 2014 Annual Report (March 16, 2015) — The UNC Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC) today announced the release of its 2014 Annual Report.

Leading Suicide Prevention Researcher to Deliver 2015 Waller Lecture at UNC (March 13, 2015) — Eric Caine, M.D., director of the Injury Control Research Center for Suicide Prevention at the University of Rochester Medical Center, will present this year’s Patricia F. Waller Lecture at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill.

HSRC Seeking Applications for $1,000 Scholarship (Feb. 6, 2015) —The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC) announced today it is accepting applications for the 2015 Megan Cornog Memorial Highway Safety Scholarship.