HSRC Publications

HSRC has prepared articles, reports, and conference papers that reflect the focus of the Center’s research which concentrates on human factors, civil engineering, and design of facilities for pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicles. We maintain an extensive list of these publications which are freely available for research or for purchase through the copyright holder.

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Recent HSRC Publications

Below is a list of the 10 most recent publications produced by HSRC staff. To view all publications, enter no keywords in the search above and click 'submit'.

Making quick-build sidewalk extensions accessible to pedestrians with vision disabilities
Journal: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Author(s): Scott, Alan C.; Myers, Linda; Schroeder, Bastian; O’Brien, Sarah Worth; Kent, Margaret; Mello, Megan; Bentzen, Billie Louise (Beezy)
Type: article
Publication Date: Nov-2024
Using EMS data to explore community-level factors associated with firearm violence in North Carolina.
Journal: Injury Epidemiology
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Author(s): Tang, Yuni; Taylor, Nandi L; Neuroth, Lucas M; Higgins, Kathleen A; Waller, Anna E; Marshall, Stephen W; Harmon, Katherine J
Type: article
Publication Date: Oct-2024
Estimating the expected change in safety for a potential application of three intelligent transportation system treatments
Journal: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Author(s): Persaud, Bhagwant; Srinivasan, Raghavan; Gayah, Vikash; Kersavage, Kristin; Saleem, Taha; Hallmark, Shauna; Mohammadi, Cameron
Type: article
Publication Date: Sept-2024
How was your crossing experience? Development of a pedestrian satisfaction with unsignalized crossings scale
Journal: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Author(s): LaJeunesse, Seth; Kumfer, Wes; Kothuri, Sirisha; Nordback, Krista; McNeil, Nathan
Type: article
Publication Date: Sept-2024
Modification of the association between vehicle model year and crash-related injury by race and ethnicity for North Carolinian passenger vehicle occupants
Journal: American Journal of Epidemiology
Volume: 193
Issue: 9
Author(s): Neuroth, Lucas M; Harmon, Katherine J
Type: article
Publication Date: Sept-2024
Safe mobility conference: 2024 proceedings
Author(s): AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, ; UNC Highway Safety Research Center,
Type: conferencePapers
Publication Date: Sept-2024
Community and multisector partner engagement in US Vision Zero plan development
Journal: Injury Prevention
Author(s): Greer, Sylvia; Combs, Tabitha; Naumann, Rebecca B; Keefe, Elyse; LaJeunesse, Seth; Evenson, Kelly R
Type: article
Publication Date: Aug-2024

Library Services Contact

For more information on the citations included here or to determine avenues of access for older materials now housed at UNC University Archives and elsewhere, please contact:

Library Services
UNC Highway Safety Research Center
730 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3430

HSRC scholarship is also listed in the OCLC Worldcat database, the TRID database (TRB’s transportation research database), ROSA P (the National Transportation Library access portal), and many other online library catalogs and databases.