Volume 2019, Issue 02

New Codes for New Modes: HSRC researchers develop a new way to categorize injuries related to micromobility devices

The International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) is used in the United States to categorize diseases and injuries for research, billing and administrative purposes. Because e-scooters and other micromobility devices are so new, there are no ICD-10-CM codes for categorizing injuries related to these devices. This led HSRC Senior Research Associate Laura Sandt and Postdoctoral Research Associate Katie Harmon, in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team of members from public and private institutions across the U.S., to propose a series of new ICD-10-CM codes to be included in an updated version of ICD-10-CM to be released in October 2020. Read full article >>

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Executive Editor: Caroline Mozingo
Managing Editor: Marie Melendez
Graphic Designer: Graham Russell