HSRC Publications & Presentations
HSRC provides access to traffic safety research information from the United States and around the world.
Our publications and presentations reflect the focus of the Center’s research which concentrates on human factors, civil engineering, and design of facilities for pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicles.
Carter, B., & O’Brien, S. W. (2019, January). Glow-in-the-dark pathways and transportation materials: A synthesis of currently available technologies, completed projects, and associated costs. In Proceedings of the 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Carter, D., Harrell, S., & Gomola Mullin, C. (2019). Synthesis of information on red-light camera programs and effects. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Highway Safety Research Center.
Clamann, M. (2019, January). A human factors perspective on designing for all. [Presentation]. Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety, Coffee and Conversation Lecture Series.
Clamann, M. (2019, January). First pedestrian fatality from an automated vehicle. [Presentation]. TRB Pedestrians and Autonomous Vehicle Interaction Subcommittee.
Clamann, M. (2019, January). Guest lecture: Autonomous vehicles: Technology and policy, law of emerging policies, UNC School of Law.
Clamann, M. & Pullen-Seufert, N. (2019, January). Automated vehicles and safety around schools. [Presentation]. TRB School Transportation Subcommittee.
Clamann, M. (2019). Automated vehicles and schools: An analysis of deployment issues. In Stanton, N. et al. (eds) 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors & Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Springer.
Combs, T. S., Sandt, L. S., Clamann, M. P., & McDonald, N. C. (2019). Automated vehicles and pedestrian safety: Exploring the promise and limits of pedestrian detection. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 56(1), 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2018.06.024
Foss, R., Smith, R., & O’Brien, N. (2019). School start times and teenage driver
motor vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 126:54-63.
Foss, R., Wang, Y., O’Brien, N., Goodwin, A. H., & Harrell, S. (2019) Evaluation of an advanced driver training program for young traffic offenders. [Presentation]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.
Goodwin, A. H. (2019, April). Young drivers today: Where do we go from here? [Panel presentation]. Annual Lifesavers meeting. Louisville, KY.
Goodwin, A. H. (2019, March). GDL effectiveness: Engaging parents & strengthening laws. [Panel presentation]. Annual Lifesavers meeting. Louisville, KY.
Goodwin, A. H. (2019, March). Social norms and health behaviors. [Presentation]. NC Department of Health and Human Services. Raleigh, NC.
Goodwin, A. H. (2019, February). Young drivers, driver education, and the change in age of licensure. [Presentation]. Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety Speaker Series. Chapel Hill, NC.
Goodwin, A. H. & O’Brien, N. (2019, February). A comprehensive program to support parents of new drivers in North Carolina. [Presentation]. Driver Education Advisory Committee. Raleigh, NC.
Goodwin, A. H. (2019, January). Recent research on motorcycles and mopeds. [Poster presider]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Harmon, K. J. (2019, March). Opioids, emerging response, and the problem of drugged driving. [Presentation]. Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety “Coffee & Conversation III” Speaker Series. Chapel Hill, NC.
Harmon, K. J., Bailey, L., Bonifacio, A., Ising, A., Peticolas, K. A., Sandt, L., & Waller, A. E. (May 2019). Evaluation of pedestrian/bicycle crash injury case definitions for use with NC DETECT. [Poster presentation]. May Day Trauma Conference, Chapel
Hill, NC.
Harmon, K. J., Peticolas, K. A., & Waller, A. E. (2019, April). North Carolina data integration for motor vehicle crash injury research: The long road ahead. [Poster presentation]. Safe Systems Summit, Durham, NC.
Harmon, K. J., Ising, A., Sandt, L., & Waller, A. E. (2019, January). Evaluation of pedestrian/bicycle crash injury case definitions for use with NC DETECT. [Poster presentation]. International Society for Disease Surveillance Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Johnson, E., Kolbe, M. B., & LaJeunesse, S. (2018, October). Better together: Partnering to advance bicycling and walking. [Presentation]. NC Bike/Walk Summit. Raleigh, NC.
Kumfer, W., Harkey, D., Lan, B., Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., Patel Nujjetty, A., … & Tan, C. (2019). Identification of critical intersection angle through crash modification functions. Transportation Research Record: The Journal of the Transportation Research Board. doi:10.1177/0361198119828682
Kumfer, W., Thomas, L., Sandt, L., & Lan, B. (2019). Midblock pedestrian crash predictions in a systemic, risk-based pedestrian safety process. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC. (in press).
Kumfer, W., & LaJeunesse, S. (2019). Safe Systems and Systems Science: The CSCRS Approach. [Presentation]. ANB10 business meeting: Transportation Safety Management Committee, 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.
Kumfer, W., LaJeunesse, S., Sandt, L., & Thomas, L. (2019). Speed, kinetic energy, and the safe systems approach to safer roadways. ITE Journal, 32–36.
LaJeunesse, S. (2019, January). Building systems into a safe system: From theory to practice. [Presentation]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2019, January). Complete streets as safe systems. [Invited presentation]. PLAN 590 Complete, Safe, Equitable Streets course. Chapel Hill, NC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2019, January). Safe systems and safety culture. [Invited presentation]. Roadway Safety Culture Subcommittee. Washington, DC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2019, April). Setting the scene for promoting shared safety goals.
[Presentation]. Safe Systems Summit, Durham, NC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2019, May). Shifting toward an active school travel culture: Perspectives on social marketing. [Invited presentation]. Ontario Active School Travel Council Parent Engagement Working Group. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
LaJeunesse, S. (2019, May). The epidemiology of bicyclist and pedestrian injuries in North Carolina: What we know, what we don’t, and where we’re headed. [Invited presentation]. NC Division of Public Health, Epidemiology Section. Raleigh, NC.
Le, H. T., West, A., Quinn, F., & Hankey, S. (2019). Advancing cycling among women: An exploratory study of North American cyclists. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 12(1), 355-374.
Liu, J., Wen, H., Zhu, D., & Kumfer, W. (2019). Investigation of the contributory factors to the guessability of traffic signs. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(1). doi: 10.3390/ijerph16010162
Naumann, R. B., Heiny, S., Evenson, K. R., LaJeunesse, S., Cooper, J. F., Doggett, S., & Marshall, S. W. (2019). Organizational networks in road safety: Case studies of U.S. Vision Zero cities. Traffic Injury Prevention, 1-8. doi:10.1080/15389588.2019.1587752.
Nordback, K., Kothuri, S., Johnstone, D., Lindsey, G., Ryan, S., & Raw, J. (2019). Minimizing AADNT estimation errors: How many counters are needed per factor group?” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Owens, J. M., Sandt, L., Morgan, J. F., Sundararajan, S., Clamann, M., Manocha, D., … Cooper, J. F. (2019). Challenges and opportunities for the intersection of vulnerable road users (VRU) and automated vehicles (AVS). In G. Meyer & S. Beiker (Eds.), Road vehicle automation 5 (pp. 207–217). Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94896-6_18
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2019, February). Vision Zero for Youth Leadership Award. [Presentation Remarks]. United Nations Global Road Safety Strategy Launch.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2019, March). Vision Zero for Youth. [Panel presentation]. Lifesavers Conference on Highway Safety Priorities.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2019, March). Vision Zero for Youth. [Presentation]. Advisory Committee on Transportation Choices, Arlington, VA.
Robison, K. (2019, April). Senior drivers: The state of North Carolina. [Presentation]. Charlotte Mecklenburg Aging Coalition. Charlotte, NC
Saleem, T., Porter, R. J., Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., Himes, S., & Le, T. (2019). Contributing factors for focus crash types and facility types. [Presentation]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Sandt, L. (2019, January 6). Leveraging investment in AV R&D to foster ped/bike safety and mobility. [Paper presentation]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Sandt, L. (2019, January 13). The rapid rise in pedestrian fatalities: Changing driver and pedestrian behavior to save pedestrian lives. TRB Human Factors Workshop at the 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Sandt, L. (2018-2019). Dockless electric kick scooter systems: What we know and don’t know. Presentation made at the following: Brain Injury Council, Raleigh, NC ( 2018, December 12); NCDOT ECHS, Raleigh, NC (2019, January 11); TRB Pedestrian Committee, Raleigh, NC (2019, January 14); DHHS Injury and Violence Prevention Branch Meeting, Raleigh, NC (2019, February 18).
Smock, R., DeLisle, D., Harmon, K. J., & Waller, A.E. (April 2019). Systems thinking to prevent pedestrian deaths on railroads. [Poster presentation]. Safe Systems Summit, Durham, NC.
Srinivasan, R., Lan, B., Carter, D., Smith, S., Persaud, B., Signor, K., & Saleem, T. (2019). Safety evaluation of pedestrian countdown signals: Definitive results from two cities in the United States. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC. (in press).
Thomas, L. (2019. January). Midblock pedestrian crash predictions in a systemic, risk-based pedestrian safety process. [Presentation]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
Thomas, L. (2019, February). Systemic pedestrian safety analysis. [Webinar presentation]. Transportation Research Board.
Thomas, L. (2019, May). Systemic, risk-based pedestrian safety process. [Presentation]. North Carolina Department of Transportation Innovation Summit, North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, NC.
Thomas, L., Nordback, K., & Sanders, R. (2019). Bicyclist crash types on national, state, and local levels: A new look. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Wang, Y., Choi, B. J., Kuo, M., & Baggett, C. (2019). Linking data from multiple sources to enhance research on young drivers. [Presentation]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, DC.
Anarkooli, A.J., Persaud, B., Hosseinpour, M., & Saleem, T. (2018). Comparison of univariate and two-stage approaches for estimating crash frequency by severity—Case study for horizontal curves on two-lane rural roads. Accident Analysis & Prevention. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2018.08.015
Anarkooli, A.J., Hosseinpour, M., Persaud, B., & Saleem, T. (2018, January). Development and evaluation of a two-stage modeling approach for estimating crash frequency for horizontal curves on two-lane rural roads (TRB Paper 18-06609). [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Blackburn, L., Zegeer, C. V., & Brookshire, K. (2018, July Update). Guide for improving pedestrian safety at uncontrolled crossing locations (Report FHWA-SA-17-072). Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration.
Blackburn, L., Zegeer, C. V., & Brookshire, K. (2018). Field guide for selecting countermeasures at uncontrolled pedestrian crossing locations. (Field Guide No. FHWA SA 18 018).Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Carter, D.L., Hunter, W., & Signor, K. (2018, March). Strategies to reduce wrong way movements (Report FHWA-NC-2017-12). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation Research and Analysis Group.
Cherry, C., Hezaveh, A.M., Noltenius, M., Khattak, A., Merlin, L., Dumbaugh, E., Ragland, D., & Sandt, L. (2018, April). Completing the picture of traffic injuries: Understanding data needs and opportunities for road safety. Chapel Hill, NC: Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety.
Clamann, M. & Kaber D. (2018, September). Augmenting fine motor skill training with haptic error amplification. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 Annual Meeting, 62, 1547-1551.
Clamann, M. (2018, September). Automated vehicles and the vision for safety: A federal and industry perspective. [Presentation]. CSCRS Coffee & Conversation 2.0: Autonomous Vehicles and Road Safety, UNC Chapel Hill, NC.
Clamann, M. (2018, September). North Carolina autonomous vehicle testing and research. [Invited presentation]. Executive Committee for Highway Safety, Raleigh NC.
Clamann, M. (2018, November). Introduction to human factors. [Guest lecture]. ECE590-Human-Computer Interaction, Duke University Pratt School of Engineering.
Clamann, M. (2018, May). Sharing the road with robots: Considerations for incorporating automated vehicle technology into a safe roadway system. [Presentation]. CSCRS Coffee & Conversation: A safe systems exploration of transportation, UNC Chapel Hill, NC.
Combs, T. S., Sandt, L. S., Clamann, M. P., & McDonald, N. C. (2018). Automated vehicles and pedestrian safety: Exploring the promise and limits of pedestrian detection. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 56(1), 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2018.06.024
Combs, T., Sandt, L., McDonald, N., & Clamann, M. (2018, January). Limitations in detection technologies for automated driving systems and implications for pedestrian safety. [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Evenson, K.R., LaJeunesse, S., & Heiny, S. (2018). Awareness of Vision Zero among United States’ road safety professionals. Injury Epidemiology, 5, 1-6. doi:10.1186/s40621-018-0151-1.
Feng, Z., Yang, M., Kumfer, W., Zhang, W., Du, Y., & Bai, H. (2018). Effect of longitudinal slope of urban underpass tunnels on drivers’ heart rate and speed: A study based on a real vehicle experiment. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 81, 525–533. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2018.08.032
Findley, D., Warchol, S., Chase, T., & Thomas, L. (2018). Developing guidelines and documentation of engineering studies for establishing NC speed limits. NCDOT Project 2017-10. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation: Research and Analysis Group.
Foss, R. D. (2018). Adolescent drivers, experiential learning, and the driver licensing process: New findings, emerging questions, and continuing policy needs. The Journal of Adolescent Health, 63(5), 521–522. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.08.008
Goodwin, A.H. & O’Brien, N. (2018, April). Enforcement with teenage drivers. [Presentation]. NC Traffic Safety Conference and Expo, Wilmington, NC.
Goodwin, A.H. (2018, April). Everything you wanted to know about distracted driving. [Presentation]. NC Traffic Safety Conference and Expo, Wilmington, NC.
Goodwin, A.H. (2018, April). What works (and what doesn’t) to improve teen driver safety. [Presentation]. Child Fatality Prevention System Summit. Raleigh, NC.
Goodwin, A.H. (2018, January). Social norms and traffic safety. [Invited presentation]. Executive Committee for Highway Safety, Raleigh NC.
Goodwin, A.H. (2018, January). Motorcycle licensing & training: Future research needs. [Presentation]. 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Goodwin, A.H. (2018, January). New technologies and methods in motorcycle safety: Hybrid session. Workshop moderator at the 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.
Goodwin, A.H., Harrell, S.S., O’Brien, N.P., Kirley, B.B., & Foss, R.D. (2018). Orientation sessions for parents of young novice drivers: An assessment of U.S. programs and recommendations. Washington, DC: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.
Goodwin, A.H., Kirley, B.B., & Foss, R.D. (2018). Motorcycle safety: A review of the state of the knowledge. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (under review)
Goughnour, E., Carter, D., Lyon, C., Persaud, B., Lan, B., Chun, P., … Signor, K. (2018). Safety evaluation of protected left-turn phasing and leading pedestrian intervals on pedestrian safety (Safety Evaluation No. FHWA-HRT-18-044). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Granados, M., Persaud, B., Rajeswaran, T., & Saleem, T. (2018, January). Using microsimulation to evaluate the impact of automated vehicles on safety performance of signalized intersections (TRB Paper 18-05956). [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
Harrell, S.S. (2018, April 14). Safer vehicles for teens. [Presentation]. NCPDSA Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Harrell, S.S. (2018, April 24). The future of driving: Implications for teen drivers. [Presentation]. Montana Traffic Educators Association, Bozeman, MT.
Jiang, K., Ling, F., Feng, Z., Ma, C., Kumfer, W., Shao, C., & Wang, K. (2018). Effects of mobile phone distraction on pedestrians’ crossing behavior and visual attention allocation at a signalized intersection: An outdoor experimental study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, No. 115, pp. 170-177. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2018.03.019
Johnson, E., Kolbe, M. B., & LaJeunesse, S. (2018, October). Better together: Partnering to advance bicycling and walking. [Presentation]. NC Bike/Walk Summit. Raleigh, NC.
Johnstone, D., Nordback, K., & Kothuri, S. (2018, January). Annual average non-motorized traffic estimates from manual counts: Quantifying error (TRB Paper 18-05290). [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Johnstone, D., Nordback, K., & Kothuri, S. (2018, August). Annual average non-motorized traffic estimates from manual counts: Quantifying error. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Kirley, B., & Robison, K. (2018, May). Transition from booster to belt. [Presentation]. Safe Kids North Carolina Conference, Concord, NC.
Kirley, B., & Robison, K. (2018, August). Hands-on challenge. [Presentation]. Eastern Region CPS Symposium, Washington, NC.
Kirley, B., Wang, Y., Foss, R., Harrell, S., & Goodwin, A. (2018). Estimating motorcycle vehicle miles travelled (VMT) from state annual safety inspection data. Washington, D.C.: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. (under review).
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, January). Kids and common values: Elevating the dialogue on race and ethnicity to advance pedestrian equity. [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, January). A Vision for Vision Zero and Safe Systems in NC. [Presentation]. NC Vision Zero Task Force Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, February). Complete Streets as Safe Systems. [Invited lecture]. UNC Department of City and Regional Planning PLAN 590 course, Chapel Hill, NC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, April). The Watch for Me NC pedestrian and bicycle safety program. [Presentation]. NC Traffic Safety Summit, Wilmington, NC.
LaJeunesse. S., Edwards, C., Lacy, K., Watterson, B., & Watson, B. (2018, October). Shaping better transit safety outcomes through a systems perspective. [Presentation]. NCDOT Public Transit Division Training Conference. Chapel Hill, NC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, October). Active routes to school: What’s “behind the data?” [Presentation]. NC Bike/Walk Summit. Raleigh, NC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, October). A brief history of road safety in the U.S. And potential pathways forward. [Invited presentation]. PLAN 636 Urban Transportation Planning course. UNC Chapel Hill, NC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, October). Designing Vision Zero for diffusion with a focus on youth. [Invited presentation]. Northeast Pedestrian Safety Summit. Waltham, MA.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, October). Pedestrian injury: A little understood public health crisis. [Invited presentation]. Injury as a Public Health Problem course. UNC Chapel Hill, NC.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, October). Making active school travel happen. [Keynote address]. Ontario Active School Travel Summit. Toronto, Ontario.
LaJeunesse, S. (2018, November). Getting to Safe Systems: Changing the road safety paradigm one coordinated action at a time. [Invited presentation]. Active Knox Healthy Communities by Design Speaker Series. Knoxville, TN.
LaJeunesse, S., Heiny, S., Evenson, K. R., Fiedler, L. M., & Cooper, J. F. (2018, November). Diffusing innovative road safety practice: A social network approach to identifying opinion leading U.S. cities. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(8), 832-837. doi:10.1080/15389588.2018.1527031.
Lan, B., Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., Persaud, B., & Eccles, K. (2018, January). Safety evaluation of cable median barriers in combination with rumble strips on divided roads (TRB Paper 18-03788). [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, & UNC Highway Safety Research Center. (October, 2018). A guide for coders using the FARS/CRSS ped/bike typing tool (User Manual No. DOT HS 812 564). Washington, DC: NHTSA.
Nordback, K., Kothuri, S., Lan, B., Gibson, G., Ferenchak, N., & Marshall, W. (2018, January). Bicyclist safety performance functions for road segments in a U.S. city (TRB Paper 18-06245). [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Nordback, K., Kothuri, S., Lan, B., Gibson, G., Ferenchak, N., & Marshall, W. (2018, January). Bicyclist safety performance functions for road segments in a U.S. city. [Poster presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
Nordback, K., O’Brien, S., & Blank, K. (2018, October). Bicycle and pedestrian count programs: Summary of practice and key resources. Pedestrian & Bicycle
Information Center. Chapel Hill, NC.
Nordback, K. (Producer). (2018). Conversations with colleagues: FHWA’s travel monitoring analysis system (TMAS) – How to input bicycle and pedestrian data [Video webinar].
Nordback, K. (Producer). (2018). Conversations with colleagues: Big data – implications for bicycle and pedestrian traffic analysis [Video webinar].
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2018, February). Vision zero for youth initiative: Saving lives while building healthy active lifestyles-starting with children. [Presentation]. Vision Zero Advocate Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2018, March). Progress of the NC SRTS program. [Plenary remarks]. NC Safe Routes to School Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2018, March). North Carolina’s Progress in Safe Routes to School. [Plenary remarks]. NC Safe Routes to School Conference.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2018, April). Vision Zero for Youth. [Presentation]. Children’s Safety Network.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2018, July). Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: New Tools for Teaching. [Panel presentation]. American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association Annual Meeting.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2018, October). Vision Zero for Youth Symposium. [Symposium moderator and presenter]. WALK21 Conference in Bogota, Colombia.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2018, December). Vision Zero for Youth: Saving Lives Starting with Children. [Presentation]. US Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program.
Pullen-Seufert, N. (2018, December). Vision Zero for Youth. [Presentation]. Safe Systems Adoption in Mid-Size Cities, Road to Zero Grantees.
Raulerson, M. T., Leahy, A., Semler, C., Mah, S., Gelinne, D., Brookshire, K., Kumfer, W., Leahu-Aluas, O., Stout, M., & Smith, B. (2018). Strategies for accelerating multimodal project delivery. (Workbook No. FHWA-HEP-19-006). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Robison, K. (2018, August). Safe driving for seniors. [Presentation]. Senior Striders. Chapel Hill, NC & Hillsborough, NC (2 sessions).
Robison, K. (2018, September). Safe driving for seniors. [Presentation]. UNC Health Care Mall Walkers. Durham, NC.
Robison, K. (2018, October). Senior drivers: The state of North Carolina.
[Presentation]. Senior Tarheel Legislature. Chapel Hill, NC
Sandt, L. (2018, January). Human factors workshop on automated vehicles. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Sandt, L. (2018, April). Automated vehicles and ped/bike safety. [Presentation]. Lifesavers Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Sandt, L. (2018, April). Explaining the rise in pedestrian fatalities: A systems science perspective. [Presentation]. USDOT Office of the Secretary and Pedestrian Safety Committee meeting, Washington, DC.
Sandt, L. (2018, May). Action planning workshop. [Presentation]. Watch for Me NC meeting, New Bern, NC.
Sandt, L. (2018, June). PBIC and CSCRS 2018 Updates. [Presentation]. Mid-year meeting of the TRB Technical Committee for Non-Motorized Transportation, Franklin, TN.
Sandt, L. (2018, June). PBIC and CSCRS 2018 Updates. [Presentation]. GHSA Executive Board Meeting, Dearborn, Michigan.
Sandt, L. and Clamann, M. (2018, September). Safety and mobility for everyone in the age of automation. [Presentation]. Easterseals Transportation Group National Aging and Disability Transportation Center Accessible Pedestrian Pathways Webinar.
Sandt, L. and Clamann, M. (2018, August). Senior safety and mobility in the age of automation. [Presentation]. AARP Automated Vehicle Policy Exploration Webinar.
Signor, K., Kumfer, W., LaJeunesse, S., & Carter, D. (2018). Safe Systems Synthesis: An international scan for domestic application. Final Report. Project No. SA-18-09-07, North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program.
Srinivasan, R. (2018, August 12-15). Evaluating the safety impact of intersection sight distance. [Presentation]. 44th International Traffic Records Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Srinivasan, R. (2018, August 12-15). Safety evaluation of pedestrian countdown signals. [Presentation]. 44th International Traffic Records Forum , Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., & Lan, B. (2018). Investigation of driver performance in different horizontal and vertical curve combinations using SHRP2 naturalistic driving data. Advances in Transportation Studies: An International Journal, Special Issue Volume 1, 121-136.
Srinivasan, R., Lan, B., Carter, D., Smith, S., & Signor, K. (2018, January). Crash modification factors for the flashing yellow arrow treatment at signalized intersections (TRB Paper 18-01776). [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., Lyon, C., & Albee, M. (2018, January). A before-after evaluation of the realignment of horizontal curves on rural two-lane roads (TRB Paper 18-01803). [Presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., Lyon, C., & Albee, M. (2018, May 15). Before–after evaluation of the realignment of horizontal curves on rural two-lane roads. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. doi.org/10.1177/0361198118758011
Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., Lyon, C., & Albee, M. (2018, April). Safety evaluation of horizontal curve realignment on rural, two-lane roads. Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.5
Srinivasan, R. (2018, January). NCHRP 17-72: Update of crash modification factors for the Highway Safety Manual. [Poster presentation]. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Thomas, L. (2018, April 30). Trends in US pedestrian fatalities. [Webinar presentation]. Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center.
Thomas, L. (2018, October). Crash types involving motor vehicle left turns. [Webinar presentation]. Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center.
Thomas, L. (2018, August). Motorist overtaking bicyclist crash type trends. [Webinar presentation]. Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center.
Thomas, L. (2018, August). Multiple threat crash type and related factors.
[Webinar presentation]. Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center.
Thomas, L. (2018, November). Speed management action planning. [Presentation]. Managing Speed for Safety: Advancing Vision Zero in Local Communities, workshop presented by Vision Zero Network and ITE, New York, NY.
Thomas, L. (2018, June 12). NCHRP 17-73: Systemic pedestrian safety analysis. [Presentation]. AASHTO Technical Committee for Non-motorized Transportation Annual Meeting, Franklin, TN.
Thomas, L., Gelinne, D., Brookshire, K., LaJeunesse, S., & Sundstrom, C. (2018, January). Coordinating road safety reviews with bicycle and pedestrian project prioritization: Final report on development and implementation of a guide for North Carolina agencies. (FHWA/NC/2016-14). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Thomas, L., Gelinne, D., Brookshire, K., Sundstrom, C. & LaJeunesse, S. (2018, January). North Carolina pedestrian and bicycle road safety assessment guide: A guide for local agencies to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety. (FHWA/NC/2016-14). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Thomas, L., Sandt, L., Zegeer, C.V., Kumfer, W., Lang, K., & Lan, B. (2018, May). Systemic pedestrian safety analysis: Final guidebook. NCHRP.
Thomas, L., Sandt, L., Zegeer, C.V., Kumfer, W., Lang, K., & Lan, B. (2018, May). Systemic pedestrian safety analysis: Final technical report. NCHRP.
Thomas, L., Sandt, L., Zegeer, C.V., Kumfer, W., Lang, K., & Lan, B. (2018). Systemic pedestrian safety analysis: NCHRP Research Report 893. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board. doi:10.17226/25255
Thomas, L., Vann, M. & Levitt, D. (2018). North Carolina bicycle crash facts, 2011‐2015. (RP 2017‐42). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation.
Thomas, L., Vann, M. & Levitt, D. (2018). North Carolina bicycle crash types, 2011-2015. (RP 2017‐42). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation.
Thomas, L., Vann, M. & Levitt, D. (2018). North Carolina pedestrian crash trends and facts, 2011‐2015. (RP 2017‐42). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation.
Thomas, L., Vann, M. & Levitt, D. (2018). North Carolina pedestrian crash types, 2011-2015. (RP 2017‐42). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation.
Waller A.E., & Harmon K.J. (Oct 2018). NC data integration. [Presentation]. Highway Safety Information System Annual Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC.
Wang, Y. (2018). 180-second session: Current HSRC projects on GDL and young drivers. [Presentation]. TRB Young Driver Committee Mid-Year meeting.
Zegeer, C.V., Thomas, L., & Gelinne, D. (2018, June 12). The past, present, and future of pedestrian crossing research and policy. [Webinar presentation]. Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian, USDOT, ITE Learning Hub.
Budowski, A., Mclaughlin, F., Nordback, K., & Montufar, J. (2017). Estimating seasonal average daily bicyclists from 2-hour short duration counts. Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Curry, A. E., Foss, R. D., & Williams, A. F. (2017, August). Graduated driver licensing for older novice drivers: Critical analysis of the issues. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Epub ahead of print.
Foss, R. (2017, January). How a bill really becomes a law: Combining evidence and political savvy to increase teen driver safety. [Graduate Seminar Presentation]. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
Foss, R. (2017, February). Driving after drinking: Problem, prevalence & prevention. [Invited Presentation]. NC Department of Health & Human Services, Raleigh, NC.
Foss, R. (2017, March). Designing the driver licensing system to reduce crashes, deaths & injuries involving young drivers. [Invited Presentation]. Ohio GDL Coalition, Worthington, OH.
Foss, R. (2017, March). Graduated driver licensing and teen driver crashes in North Carolina. [Invited Presentation]. NC Senate Judiciary Committee, Raleigh, NC.
Foss, R. (2017, March). High school start times and teenage driver crashes. [Presentation]. 10th International Conference on Managing Fatigue, San Diego, CA.
Foss, R. (2017, March). Fine-tuning your message to get action on young driver safety policies. [Presentation]. Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities, Charlotte, NC.
Foss, R. (2017, March). Reducing nighttime teen driver crashes with science-based driver licensing policies. [Presentation]. Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities, Charlotte, NC.
Foss, R.D. (2017, December 13). Reducing teen driver crashes with an effective driver licensing system. Testimony to Ohio House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Public Safety.
Foss, R.D. (2017, December). Windfall! Gains in teen driver safety remain readily available to most states. Western Pacific Injury Prevention Network Webinar.
Gelinne, D., Thomas, L., Lang, K., Zegeer, C., & Goughnour, E. (2017, August). How to develop a pedestrian and bicycle safety action plan, (Report FHWA-SA-17-050). Federal Highway Administration.
Gibson, G., Nordback, K., Kothuri, S., Ferenchak, N., & Marshall, W. (2017). Motorist-cyclist crash data needs for safety analysis. Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, National Academies, Washington, DC.
Harkey, D. (2017, April). Rebuilding our infrastructure with technology for improved safety. Panel moderator at the Third Annual Summit of University Transportation Centers for Safety, Washington, D.C.
Harkey, D. (2017, March). Reversing the numbers, an expert panel discussion. Panel moderator at the Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Injury Surveillance Workgroup 8 [L. Sandt, member]. (2017). Consensus recommendations for pedestrian injury surveillance. Atlanta, GA: Safe States Alliance.
Johnstone D., Nordback, K., & Lowry, M. (2017, September). Collecting network-wide bicycle and pedestrian data: Guidebook for when and where to count (Report A-RD 875.2). Olympia, WA: Washington State Department of Transportation.
Kirley, B. (2017, March). Survey of North Carolina motorcyclists. [Presentation]. Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities, Charlotte, NC.
Kothuri, S., Nordback, K., McLeod, P., Petritsch, T., Rose, E., & Twaddell, H. (2017). Pedestrians count! How to measure foot traffic. [Presentation]. 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Kothuri, S., Nordback, K., Schrope, A., Phillips, T. & Figliozzi, M. (2017). “Bicycle and pedestrian counts at signalized intersections using existing infrastructure: Opportunities and challenges,” Transportation Research Record, National Academies: Washington, D.C., 2644.
Kumfer, W., Liu, H., Wu, D., & Sama, S. (2017, October). Development of a supplementary driver education tool for teenage drivers on rural roads, Safety Science, Volume 98, pp. 136-144.
LaJeunesse, S. (2017, January 8). Theory and evidence-based means of addressing speeds and other risky behaviors [PowerPoint slides]. Paper presented at the 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
Lococo, K.H., Staplin, L., Mastromatto, T., Brooks, J.O., Srinivasan, R., & Sifrit, K.J. (2017, July). Older-driver foot movements (Report DOT HS 812 431). Washington, DC.: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Nordback, K. (2017, February). Pedestrian and bicycle count programs, Parts 1 & 2. [Webinar]. Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center.
Nordback, K. (2017, June 12). Estimating annual average daily bicycle traffic from short duration counts: method and accuracy. [Presentation]. Scientists for Cycling Colloquium.
Nordback, K., Johnstone, D., & Kothuri, S. (2017, December). Optimizing short duration bicycle and pedestrian counting in Washington State (Report WA-RD 875.1). Olympia, WA: Washington State Department of Transportation.
Nordback, K., & Kothuri, S. (2017, August). Pedestrian and bicycle counting. [Workshop]. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Toronto, Canada.
Nordback, K., Kothuri, S., Gibson, G., Ferenchak, N. & Marshall, W. (2017, May 22). Motorist-cyclist crash data needs for safety analysis. [Presentation]. Urban Streets Symposium, Raleigh, NC.
Nordback, K., Sellinger, M., & Phillips, T. (2017). Estimating walking and bicycling at the state level. (No. NITC-RR-708). Portland, OR: National Institute for Transportation and Communities.
Saleem, T. & Persaud, B. (2017, September). Another look at the safety effects of horizontal curvature on rural two-lane highways, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 106, pp. 149-159.
Sandt, L. S.: Cohn, J.; West, A.; Johnson, S.; Moose, W., & LaJeunesse, S. (2017). The Role of Law Enforcement in Supporting Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: Lessons and Examples from North Carolina’s Watch for Me NC Program. Chapel Hill, NC: Pedestrian and bicycle Information Center.
Sandt, L. (2017, March). Saving (pedestrian and bicyclist) lives and engaging the public: A 12 step program. [Presentation]. Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities, Charlotte, NC.
Sandt, L. (2017, March). Getting to the next level: Strategies to maximize the effectiveness of law enforcement in ped/bike safety programs. [Webinar]. Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center.
Sandt, L., Cohn, J., West, A., Johnson, S., Moose, W., & LaJeunesse, S. (2017). The role of law enforcement in supporting pedestrian and bicycle safety: lessons and examples from North Carolina’s Watch for Me NC Program. Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, Chapel Hill, NC. http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/pdf/Lifesavers_CaseStudies_FINAL.pdf.
Sandt, L. & Owens, JM. (2017, August). Discussion Guide for Automated and Connected Vehicles, Pedestrian, and Bicyclists. Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.
Srinivasan, R. (2017, May). Safety evaluation of flashing yellow arrow treatment (Report P18-21627). Best of the 5th urban street symposium. Presented at 776 Operational Effects of Innovative Intersection and Interchange Designs, Raleigh, NC.
Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., & Lan, B. (2017, October). Investigation of driver performance in different horizontal and vertical curve combinations using SHRP2 naturalistic driving data. Presented at RSS2017 – Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, The Hague, Netherlands.
Srinivasan, R., Carter, D., & Lan, B. (2017, January). Crash modification factors for signal installation with and without left-turn lanes on two-lane roads in rural and suburban areas. (Paper 17-03743). [Presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
Teoh, E., Carter, D.L., Smith, S., & McCartt, A.T. (2017, September). Crash risk factors for interstate large trucks in North Carolina. Journal of Safety Research, 62, 13-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2017.05.002.
Thomas, L., Lan, B., Sanders, R.L., Frackelton, A., Gardner, S., & Hintze, M. (2017). Changing the future? Development and application of pedestrian safety performance functions to prioritize locations in Seattle, Washington. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2659, pp 212–223.
Thomas, L., Lan, B., Sanders, R., Frackelton, A., Gardner, S., & Hintze, M. (2017). Predicting the Future? Systemic Pedestrian Safety Analyses in Seattle, WA. 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Thomas, L., Lan, B., Sanders, R., Frackelton, A., Gardner, S., & Hintze, M. (2017). In Pursuit of Safety: Systemic Bicycle Crash Analysis in Seattle, WA. 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Zegeer, C.; Lyon, C.; Srinivasan, R.; Persaud, B.; Lan, B.; Smith, S.; Carter, D.; Thirsk, N.J.; Zegeer, J.; Ferguson, E.; Van Houten, R., Sundstrom, C. (2017). Development of crash modification factors for uncontrolled pedestrian crossing treatments. [Presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
Zegeer, C.; Lyon, C.; Srinivasan, R.; Persaud, B.; Lan, B.; Smith, S.; Carter, D.; Thirsk, N.J.; Zegeer, J.; Ferguson, E.; Van Houten, R. & Sundstrom, C. (2017). Development of Crash Modification Factors for Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing Treatments, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2636, pp. 1-8, Washington, D.C.
Bahar, G., Srinivasan, R., & Gross, F. (2016, August). Reliability of Safety Management Methods: Countermeasure Selection, (Report No. FHWA-SA-16-039). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Brookshire, K.; Sandt, L.; Sundstrom, C.; Thomas, L.; Blomberg, R. (2016). A Primer for Highway Safety Professionals: Advancing Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety. (Report No. DOT HS 812 258). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Colety, M., Crowther, B., Farmen, M., Bahar, G., & Srinivasan, R. (2016). ADOT State-Specific Crash Prediction Models: An Arizona Needs Study. (Report No. FHWA-AZ-16-704). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Decina, L. E.; Will, K. E.; Maple, E. L.; Perkins, A. M.; Kirley, B.; Mastromatto, T. (2016, February). Effectiveness of Child Passenger Safety Information for the Safe Transportation of Children. (Report No. DOT HS 812 245). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Feng, Z., Lei, Y., Liu, H., Kumfer, W., Zhang, W., Wang, K., & Lu, S. (2016, October). Driving Anger in China: A Case Study on Professional Drivers, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 42, Part 2, pp. 255-266.
Gross, F.; Harmon, T.; Albee, M.; Himes, S.; Srinivasan, R.; Carter, D.; Dugas, M. (2016, October). Evaluation of Four Network Screening Performance Measures, (Report No. FHWA-SA-16-103). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Hummer, J.E.; Cunningham, C.M.; Srinivasan, R.; Warchol, S.; Claros, B.; Edara, P.; Sun, C. (2016). Safety Evaluation of Seven of the earliest Diverging Diamond Interchanges Installed in the United States. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2583, 25-33. doi: 10.3141/2583-04
LaJeunesse, S.; Heiny, S. (2016, December 2). Vision Zero with a Youth Lens: A Positive Deviance Study of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Outcomes [PowerPoint slides]. Paper presented at the 10th University Transportation Center Spotlight Conference Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety.
LaJeunesse, S.; DeMarco, M. (2016, November 1). Physical Activity and Economic Impacts of Walking Distance Signs: A Downtown Chapel Hill, NC Panel Study [PowerPoint slides]. Paper presented at the 144th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo.
Laustsen, K.; Mah, S.; Semler, C.; Nordback, K.; Sandt, L.; Sundstrom, C.; Raw, J.; Jessberger, S. (2016). Coding Nonmotorized Station Location Information in the 2016 Traffic Monitoring Guide Format. (Report No. FHWA-HEP-17-011). University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Kittelson & Associates; Federal Highway Administration.
Sandt, L.; Combs, T.; Cohn, J. (2016, April). Pursuing Equity in Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Sandt, L., Gallagher, J., & Gelinne, D. (2016, June). Advancing Pedestrian Safety Using Education and Enforcement Efforts in Pedestrian Focus Cities and States: North Carolina, (Report Number DOT HS 812 286). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Sandt, L.; Marshall, S.W.; Rodriguez, D.; Evenson, K.; Ennett, S.T.; Robinson, W. (2016, August). Effect of a Community-Based Pedestrian Injury Prevention Program on Driver Yielding Behavior at Marked Crosswalks. Accident Analysis and Prevention. pp. 169-178. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2016.05.004
Seattle Department of Transportation. (2016). City of Seattle bicycle and pedestrian safety analysis (Final) (p. 25). Seattle, WA.
Semler, C.; Vest, A.; Kingsley, K.; Mah, S.; Kittelson, W.; Sundstrom, C.; Brookshire, K. (2016). Guidebook for Developing Pedestrian and Bicycle Performance Measures. (Report No. FWA-HEP-16-037). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Smith, S.; Signor, K. (2016, June) Highway Safety Improvement Program 2015 National Summary Report (Report No. FHWA-SA-16-063). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Srinivasan, R.; Colety, M.; Bahar, G.; Crowther, B.; Farmen, M. (2016). Estimation of Calibration Functions for Predicting Crashes on Rural Two Lane Roads in Arizona. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2583, 17-24. doi: 10.3141/2583-03
Srinivasan, R. (2016). The Hills are Alive: Identifying Vertical Curves Using Strategic Highway Research Program Roadway Data, 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
Srinivasan, R.; Gross, F.; Lan, B.; Bahar, G. (2016, October). Reliability of Safety Management Methods: Network Screening. (Report No. FHWA-SA-16-037). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Srinivasan, R.; Bahar, G.; Gross, F. (2016, September). Reliability of Safety Management Methods: Diagnosis. (Report No. FHWA-SA-16-038). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Srinivasan, R.; Gross, F.; Lan, B.; Bahar, G. (2016, March). Reliability of Safety Management Methods: Safety Effectiveness Evaluation. (Report No. FHWA-SA-16-039). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Thomas, L. J.; Thirsk, N. J.; Zegeer, C. V. (2016). Application of Pedestrian Crossing Treatments for Streets and Highways. (NCHRP Synthesis Report 498). Washington, DC: National Transportation Research Board.
Zegeer, C.; Srinivasan, R.; Lan, B.; Carter, D.; Smith, S.; Sundstrom, C.; Thirsk, N.J.; Lyon, C.; Persaud, B.; Zegeer, J.; Ferguson, E.; Van Houten, R. (2016). Development of Crash Modification Factors for Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing Treatments. Pre-publication draft of NCHRP Research Report 841. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
Carter, D., Gross, F., & Eccles, K. (2015, March). Crash Modification Factors Needs Assessment Workshop. (Report # FHWA-HRT-15-020). Washington, DC.: Federal Highway Administration.
Foss, R.D.; Williams, A.F. (2015, July). Adolescent drivers: Fine-tuning our understanding. Journal of Adolescent Health 57(1), S1-S5.
Foss, R.D.; Smith, R.L.; Shi, F.; O’Brien, N.P. (2015, December). School Start Times and Teenage Driver Motor Vehicle Crashes. (Report No: DOT HS 812 221). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Gelinne, D.; Penn, J.; Thomas, L. (2015, December). Case Studies in Delivering Safe, Comfortable, and Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks. Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration.
Goodwin, A. H.; Thomas, L. J.; Kirley, B.; Hall, W. L.; O’Brien, N.; Hill, K. (2015, November). Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices, 8th Edition (812 202). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Kumfer, W. & Burgess, R. (2015). Investigation into the Role of Rational Ethics in Crashes of Automated Vehicles. Transportation Research Record.
Kumfer, W., Wei, D., & Liu, H. (2015). Effects of Demographic and Driver Factors on Single-Vehicle and Multivehicle Fatal Crashes: Investigation with Multinomial Logistic Regression. Transportation Research Record.
LaJeunesse, S.; Pullen-Seufert, N.; Marchetti, L. (2015). Active Routes to School Project Evaluation Baseline Results. Raleigh, NC: Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health, NC Division of Public Health.
LaJeunesse, S.; Srinivasan, R.; Marchetti, L.; Pullen-Seufert, N. (2015, March). Trends in Walking and Bicycling to School from 2007 to 2013. Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration.
Lambert, D.; Marchetti, L.; Oliver, C. (2015). Bicycling to School Together, a Bike Train Planning Guide. Developed as part of the National Center for Safe Routes to School and Schwinn’s Helmets on Heads partnership.
McDonald, C.C.; Goodwin, A.H.; Pradhan, A.K.; Romoser, M.R.E.; Williams, A.F. (2015, July). A Review of Hazard Anticipation Training Programs for Young Drivers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57, S15-S23. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.02.013
McDonald, N.; McGrane, A.; Rodgman, E.; Steiner, R.; Palmer, W.; Lytle, B. (2015, January). Assessing Multimodal School Travel Safety in North Carolina. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 74, 126-132. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2014.10.006
Rosenblatt, B.; Flynn, M.; Sundstrom, C. (2015, October). Separated Bike Lanes go Mainstream. ITE Journal, 85(10), 39-45.
Sandt, L.; LaJeunesse, S.; Cohn, J.; Pullen-Seufert, N.; Gallagher, J. (2015, February). Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, Education, and Enforcement Campaign: 2014 Program Summary. Watch for Me NC. (NCDOT Contract #2014‐45). Raleigh, N.C.: North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Sandt, L.; Marshall, S.; Ennett, S. (2015). Community-Based Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program: Developmental Framework and Process Evaluation. Transportation Research Record, 2519 (51-60). doi: 10.3141/2519-06
Sandt, L.; Thomas, L.; Langford, K.; Nabors, D. (2015, January). A Resident’s Guide for Creating Safer Communities for Walking and Biking. (FHWA-SA-14-099). Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration.
Scopatz, RA., Lefler, N., & Peach, K. (2015, June). State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee Noteworthy Practices. (Report # FHWA-SA-15-083). Washington, DC.: Federal Highway Administration.
Smith, S. (2015). Synthesis of Countermeasure Service Life and Crash Severity Costs User Guide. Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration.
Srinivasan, R.; Lan, B.; Carter, D. (2014, October). Safety Evaluation of Signal Installation With and Without Left Turn Lanes on Two Lane Roads in Suburban and Rural Areas. (Report No. FHWA/NC/2013-11). Raleigh, N.C.: North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Thomas, L.; Ryus, P.; Semler, C.; Thirsk, N.J.; Krizek, K.; Zegeer, C. (2015, May) Delivering Safe, Comfortable, and Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks: A Review of International Practices. (Report No. FHWA-15-051). Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration.
Thomas, L.; Thirsk, N.J.; Zegeer, C.V. (2015, TBP). Application of Pedestrian Crossing Treatments for Streets and Highways. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Washington DC. Transportation Research Board.
UNCHSRC, Schwartz, SE., Kittelson Associates, & Federal Highway Administration. (2015). Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide. (Report # FHWA-HEP-15-025). Washington, DC.: Federal Highway Administration.
Wei, D., Xu, H., Kumfer, W., Liu, H., & Wang, Z. (2015, October). Vehicular Traffic Capacity at Unsignalized Crosswalks with Probabilistic Yielding Behavior. Transportation Research Record (2483), pp. 80-90.
Zhou, Y., Himes, SC., Lefler, N., & Robert, W. (2015). Assessing the Gaps in Managing Traffic and Safety Assets, 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
HSRC Comprehensive Bibliography – under construction
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Beirness, D. J.; Foss, R. D.; Mercer, G. W. (1997). Roadside Breathtesting Surveys to Assess the Impact of an Enhanced DWI Enforcement Campaign in British Columbia. Paper presented at the 14th International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference. September 21-26, 1997.
Beirness, D. J.; Foss, R. D.; Mercer, G. W.; Wilson, R. J. (2000). Roadside Breathtesting Surveys to Assess the Impact of an Enhanced DWI Enforcement Campaign in British Columbia. Paper presented at the 15th International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference.
Beirness, D. J.; Foss, R. D.; Vogel-Sprott, M. (2004). Drinking on Campus: Self-Reports and Breath Tests. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 65(5), 600-04. doi:10.15288/jsa.2004.65.600; 10.15288/jsa.2004.65.600
Beirness, D. J.; Foss, R. D.; Wilson, R. J. (2004). Tracking the Incidence of Drinking Drivers on the Road at Night in British Columbia: The Results of Roadside Surveys. Paper presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs & Traffic Safety.
Beltz, M.; Huang, H. F. (1998). Bicycle/Pedestrian Trip Generation Workshop (FHWA RD-97-141). Washington, D.C.: Federal Highway Administration.
Brookshire, K.; Sandt, L.; Sundstrom, C.; Thomas, L.; Blomberg, R. (2016). Advancing pedestrian and bicyclist safety: A primer for highway safety professionals. (Report No. DOT HS 812 258). Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Brown, A. L.; Khattak, A. J.; Rodriguez, D. A. (2008). Neighbourhood Types, Travel and Body Mass: A Study of New Urbanist and Suburban Neighbourhoods in the US. Urban Studies, 45(4), 963-988. doi:10.1177/0042098007088477
Buescher, P. A.; Martin, B. A.; Foss, R. D. (1998). Health Consequences of Underage Alcohol Abuse in North Carolina. SCHS Studies(111).
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Bushell, M. A.; Poole, B. W.; Zegeer, C. V.; Rodriguez, D. A. (2013). Costs for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Infrastructure Improvements: A Resource for Researchers, Engineers, Planners, and the General Public. Chapel Hill, NC: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.
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Carroll, C. L.; Lacey, J. H. (1980). A Description of the North Carolina Driver Medical Evaluation System. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Highway Safety Research Center.
Carter, D. L.; Harkey, D. L.; Barlow, J. M.; Bentzen, B. L. (2007). Development of an Intersection Prioritization Tool for Accessible Pedestrian Signal Installation. Transportation research record (1982), 13-20.
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Williams, A. F.; Reinfurt, D. W.; Wells, J. K. (1996). Increasing Seat Belt Use in North Carolina. Journal of Safety Research, 27(1), 33-41. doi:10.1016/0022-4375(95)00027-5
Williams, A. F.; Wells, J. K.; Foss, R. D. (1995, 1995). The North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Initiative: Initial Results from “Booze It and Lose It”. Paper presented at the 13th International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference.
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Zegeer, C. V.; Huang, H. F.; Stewart, J. R.; Williams, C. D. (1998). Investigation of National Highway System Roadways in the Highway Safety Information System States. Transportation research record, 1635, 1-9. doi:10.3141/1635-01
Zegeer, C. V.; Huang, H. F.; Stutts, J. C.; Rodgman, E. A.; Hummer, J. E.; Fruin, J. (1993). Characteristics and Solutions Related to Bus Transit Accidents (NTIS PB94151917WTS). Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Highway Safety Research Center.
Zegeer, C. V.; Huang, H. F.; Stutts, J. C.; Rodgman, E. A.; Hummer, J. E. (1994). Commercial Bus Accident Characteristics and Roadway Treatments. Transportation research record(1467).
Zegeer, C. V.; Hunter, W. W.; Staplin, L.; Bents, F.; Huey, R.; Barlow, J. (2012). White Papers for: ‘Toward Zero Deaths: A National Strategy on Highway Safety” — White Paper No. 5 — Safer Vulnerable Road Users: Pedestrians, Bicyclists, Motorcyclists, and Older Users. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Highway Safety Research Center.
Zegeer, C. V.; Lagerway, P. A.; Cynecki, M. J.; Ronkin, M.; Seiderman, C.; Ross, A. (2003). Recommended Priorities and Guidelines for Sidewalks and Walkways. Accident Reconstruction Journal, 4(4).
Zegeer, C. V.; Lagerway, P. A.; Huang, H. H.; Stewart, J. R. (2001). Safety Effects of Marked vs. Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations: Executive Summary and Recommended Guidelines (FHWA-RD-01-075). McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Marchetti, L. (2003). Growing Demand for Safe Walking and Bicycling: The Perspective of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Highway Safety Research Center.
Zegeer, C. V.; Martell, C. A.; Hummer, J. E.; Rasdorf, W.; Findley, D. J. (2012). Suggestions on How Agencies Should Apply the Highway Safety Manual to Two-Lane Road Curves. Paper presented at the Transportation Research Board 91st Annual Meeting.
Zegeer, C. V.; Nabors, D.; Lagerway, P. A. (2013). Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System. Washington DC: Federal Highway Safety Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Reinfurt, D. W.; Neuman, T.; Stewart, J. R.; Council, F. M. (1990). Safety Improvements on Horizontal Curves for Two-Lane Rural Roads: Informational Guide (FHWA-RD-90-074). McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Sandt, L. S.; Scully, M.; Ronkin, M.; Cynecki, M.; Lagerwey P. A.; Chaney, H.; Schroeder, B.; Snyder, E. (2006). How to Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan. (FHWA-SA-05-12). McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Sandt, L. S.; Scully, M.; Ronkin, M.; Cynecki, M.; Lagerwey P. A.; Chaney, H.; Schroeder, B.; Snyder, E. (2006). How to Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan, Revised. (FHWA-SA-05-12). McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Seiderman, C. B. (2001). Designing for Pedestrians. Paper presented at the Institute of Transportation Engineers 2001 Annual Meeting and Exhibit.
Zegeer, C. V.; Seiderman, C.; Lagerwey, P. A.; Cynecki, M.; Ronkin, M.; Schneider, R. (2002). Pedestrian Facilities Users Guide (FHWA-RD-01-102). McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Srinivasan, R.; Carter, D.; Council, F.; Gross, F.; Sawyer, M.; Hauer, E.; Bonneson, J.; Bahar, G. (2013). Highway Safety Research Agenda: Infrastructure and Operations (NCHRP 756). Washington, DC: The National Academies.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stewart, J. R.; Council, F. M.; Neuman, T. R. (1994). Roadway Widths for Low-Traffic-Volume Roads (NCHRP Report No. 362). Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stewart, J. R.; Council, F. M.; Reinfurt, D. W. (1991). Safety Effects of Geometric Improvements on Horizontal Curves. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Highway Safety Research Center.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stewart, J. R.; Council, F. M.; Reinfurt, D. W.; Hamilton, E. G. (1992). Safety Effects of Geometric Improvements on Horizontal Curves. Transportation research record(1356).
Zegeer, C. V.; Stewart, J. R.; Huang, H. F.; Lagerwey, P. (2001). Safety Effects of Marked vs. Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations: Analysis of Pedestrian Crashes in 30 Cities. Transportation research record, 1773, 56-68. doi:10.3141/1773-07
Zegeer, C. V.; Stewart, J. R.; Reinfurt, D. W.; Council, F. M.; Neuman, T.; Hamilton, E. G.; Miller, T.; Hunter, W. (1990). Cost-Effective Geometric Improvements for Safety Upgrading of Horizontal Curves (FHWA-RD-90-021). McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stutts, J. C.; Huang, H. F.; Cynecki, M. J.; Van Houten, R.; Alberson, B.; Pfefer, R.; Neuman, T.; Slack, K.; Hardy, K. (2004). A Guide for Reducing Collisions Among Pedestrians (Vol. 10). Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stutts, J. C.; Huang, H. F.; Zhou, M.; Rodgman, E. A. (1993). Analysis of Elderly Pedestrian Accidents and Recommended Countermeasures. Transportation research record(1405), 56-63.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stutts, J. C.; Huang, H. F.; Zhou, M.; Rodgman, E. A. (1993). Prevention of Motor Vehicle Injuries to Elderly Pedestrians. Family & Community Health, 15(4), 38-56.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stutts, J. C.; Huang, H. F.; Zhou, M.; Rodgman, E. A. (1994). Current Trends in Crashes to Older Pedestrians and Related Safety Treatments in the United States. Paper presented at the International Conference on Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) and Traffic Safety on Two Continents.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stutts, J. C.; Hunter, W. W. (1992). Pedestrians and Bicyclists. Compendium of Safety Effectiveness of Highway Design Features (Vol. VI). (FHWA-RD-91-0049). McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stutts, J. C.; Hunter, W. W.; Pein, W. E.; Feske, C. D.; Cheeney, D.; McCarville, P.; Geiger, C. (1994). The National Bicycling and Walking Study: Transportation Choices for a Changing America (FHWA-PD-94-023). McLean, VA: Federal Highway Administration.
Zegeer, C. V.; Stutts, J. R.; Council, F. M.; Neuman, T. R. (1994). Accident Relationships of Roadway Width on Low-Volume Roads. Transportation research record(1445).
Zegeer, C. V.; Tan Esse, C. H.; Stewart, J. R.; Huang, H. F.; Lagerwey, P. (2003). Safety Effects of Marked vs. Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations: Results from 30 Cities. Paper presented at the 2nd Urban Street Symposium, Anaheim CA.
Zegeer, C. V.; Tan Esse, C.; Stewart, J. R.; Huang, H. F.; Lagerwey, P. A. (2004). Safety Analysis of Marked versus Unmarked Crosswalks in 30 Cities. ITE Journal 74(1), 34-41.
Zegeer, C. V.; Williams, C. (1994). Calculation of Accident Rates by Roadway Class for HSIS States. (NTIS PB94-207222). Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Highway Safety Research Center.
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