Publication Details
Traffic safety culture: Conduct of research report
Type: book
Author(s): Kumfer, Wes; LaJeunesse, Seth; Heiny, Stephen; West, Alyson; Weisenfeld, Jonathon; Otto, Jay; Ward, Nicholas; Dively, Katherine; Hanson, Bridget; McAndrews, Carolyn; Lavrenz, Steven; Kash, Gwyn; Brown, Charles T.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program, ; Transportation Research Board, ; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
Publication Date: 2024
Isbn: 978-0-309-71587-4
Doi: 10.17226/27489
Address: Washington, DC
Abstract: Traffic safety culture (TSC) is a complex topic spanning a range of sociological and philosophical concepts as they relate to transportation safety and the systemic framework that produces different kinds of traffic safety-related outcomes. Researchers have defined TSC as “a social climate in which traffic safety is highly valued and rigorously pursued” (Girasek, 2012, p. 40) or “the shared belief of a group of people, which influences road user behaviors and stakeholder actions that impact traffic safety” (Ward et al., 2019, p. 8). These broad definitions are generally useful for describing the complex nature of TSC and provide functional terms. Throughout this report, TSC is used to refer to this complex system of social and cultural factors that produce certain outcomes within the surface transportation system in the United States. This final report summarizes the efforts of National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 17-96: Traffic Safety Culture Research Roadmap. The sections of this report synthesize the results of research conducted to accomplish the six tasks of this project and summarize the content contained in multiple interim deliverables, including the Literature Review and Stakeholder Engagement Plan Technical Memorandum produced at the completion of Task 1, the Stakeholder Engagement Technical Memorandum produced at the end of Task 2, the TSC Research Roadmap Outline documented in the Task 3 technical memorandum, the Interim Report completed for Task 4, and the Traffic Safety Culture Research Roadmap Report completed for Task 5. When we refer to the TSC Research Roadmap, we are typically referring to the Traffic Safety Culture Research Roadmap Report.