Publication Details
North Carolina Crash Injury Surveillance System (NC-CISS)
Type: Paper
Author(s): Fliss, Mike Dolan; Harmon, Katherine J.; Peticolas, Kathy; Waller, Anna E.
Publisher: North Carolina Division of Public Health
Publication Date: Mar-2021
Address: Raleigh, NC
Abstract: We have concluded the first year of the North Carolina Crash Injury Surveillance System (NC-CISS) project. The goal of the project was to create a sustainable linkage methodology to link crash report data with health outcome data. To fulfill this goal, we evaluated different linkage methodologies before creating final linked datasets. The linked datasets will provide a more complete picture of the circumstances and outcomes associated with motor vehicle crash injuries in North Carolina.This Year 1 final report addresses the project requirements and deliverables in the contract between UNC and NC DHHS and describes data linkage activities, deviations from our implementation plan, data linkage results, project barriers and facilitators and next steps.