Publication Details

Driving automation and vulnerable road users: Peanut butter & jelly or oil & water?

Type: article

Author(s): Calvo, Jose A.; Eisert, Jesse; Sandt, Laura S.; Kidd, David; Monk, Chris; Dadashova, Bahar; Klauer, Charlie

Pages: 2530-2533


Publication Date: Sept-2023

Journal: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting

Volume: 67

Issue: 1

Issn: 2169-5067

Doi: 10.1177/21695067231208171

Abstract: Driving automation and vulnerable road users are two pieces of the enormous puzzle that is roadway safety. Ideally, driving automation will improve the safety of vulnerable road users. However, more research needed to understand the effects driving automation will have on the safety of vulnerable road users. In this panel we will examine the relationship between driving automation and vulnerable road users from several different perspectives. Regulatory and research initiatives will be presented, lessons that can be learned from existing technology will be examined, and questions of equitable solutions will be raised. These interdisciplinary experts are brought together with the audience to discuss the research needs, possible effects of driving automation implementation on vulnerable road users, and to try and determine just how well these two pieces of roadway safety fit together.