Publication Details

A Safe System guide for transportation: Sharing this approach to lead your community to action

Type: Paper

Subtype: Technical report

Author(s): Michael, Jeffrey P.; Chirles, Theresa J.; Frattaroli, Shannon; LaJeunesse, Seth; Austin, Lucinda L.; Romo, Alicia; McDonough, Jessica; Yang, C. Y. David

Publisher: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety


Publication Date: Nov-2023

Address: Washington, DC

Abstract: The Safe System approach uses thoughtful road and vehicle design to minimize the chance of a crash when people make mistakes and, when crashes do occur, to reduce crash forces so that people are less likely to be injured. By designing safety into roads, vehicles, and safety policies, deaths and serious injuries are engineered out. Given the need for greater public understanding and acceptance for safety infrastructure and policy change, the purpose of this guide is to assist local decision makers, transportation professionals, and safety advocates in effectively communicating with the public about why Safe System policies and engineering approaches are necessary, how they work, and how they benefit everyone who uses the roads. The guide is intended for use by those implementing or advocating for Safe System improvements at the community level.