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Updated resource and workshops on Accessible Pedestrian Signals

The UNC Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC) is continuing its work in developing guidance on accessible pedestrian signals (APS) to optimize safe and independent crossing at signalized intersections by pedestrians who are blind. An APS is "a device that communicates information about pedestrian timing in non-visual format such as audible tones, verbal messages, and/or vibrating surfaces (MUTCD, Section 4A.02)."

HSRC recently launched an updated Web site on the best practices of APS at www.apsguide.org. The site includes a summary of guidance on APS features and installation, a tool to assist in prioritizing APS installations at existing intersections as well as US and international case studies.

The Center has also developed and implemented a workshop on recommended and optional characteristics of APS. The workshop is a full day course aimed at engineers and administrators who may be responsible for making decisions about APS installations, signal technicians and Orientation and Mobility professionals.

The Web site and workshops are both products of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 3-62, Guidelines for Accessible Pedestrian Signals. This research study used extensive field testing to determine which APS features and locations are most beneficial for blind and visually impaired pedestrians. The Web site content was adapted from the print document produced by the NCSHP study, entitled Accessible Pedestrian Signals: A Guide to Best Practices. The guide and research report from the NCHRP study are available for download on the Web site.

For more information on the Web site and workshop, please contact Daniel Carter at 919-962-8720 or daniel_carter@unc.edu.

The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
730 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 300  |  Campus Box 3430  |  Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3430
Phone: 919.962.2203  |  Fax: 919.962.8710