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PBIC launches Safe Routes to School online resource

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center at the UNC Highway Safety Research Center recently launched an online resource of information on Safe Routes to School programs. The site, www.saferoutesinfo.org, includes steps on starting a Safe Routes program, frequently asked questions, helpful links and a list of sample Safe Routes to School programs currently in place across the country. The resource also includes information on available training programs, including the Center’s Safe Routes to School National Course. 

The site also offers extensive information on Safe Routes to School legislation and funding opportunities. In July 2005, Congress passed federal legislation that established a national Safe Routes to School program. The program, which was signed into law in August 2005, will dedicate a total of $612 million towards SR2S from 2005 to 2009. These funds will be distributed to states in proportion to the number of primary and secondary school students in the state, with no state receiving less than $1 million per year.

The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
730 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 300  |  Campus Box 3430  |  Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3430
Phone: 919.962.2203  |  Fax: 919.962.8710